Atlanta Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

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A catastrophic injury can have far-reaching effects on your life and future. After a devastating accident, you might face lingering physical pain, mobility limitations, cognitive challenges, and emotional trauma. When a debilitating injury prevents you from working, you might also face financial difficulties paying for the necessary medical care.

However, you may have legal options for pursuing the compensation you need for your recovery. If you suffered injuries due to another person’s negligence, reach out to a dedicated attorney. With help from an Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer, you could bring a lawsuit against the people responsible for harming you.

What is a Catastrophic Injury?

Atlanta courts consider injuries to be catastrophic when they severely affect a person’s quality of life. Catastrophic injuries often prevent people from returning to their jobs or engaging in the activities they once loved. These types of injuries generally result in permanent impairment or disability.

Examples of catastrophic injuries include but are not limited to the following:

  • Spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis
  • Brain injuries leading to cognitive difficulties
  • Severe fractures resulting in mobility limitations
  • Amputation of a limb
  • Facial scarring and disfiguration
  • Severe burn injuries
  • Hearing loss
  • Vision loss
  • Organ damage

Life after a Severe Injury

Survivors of catastrophic injuries face many battles in the fight to recover. They might need multiple surgeries, lengthy hospital stays, endless doctors’ visits, and extensive therapy and rehabilitation. If they require round-the-clock assistance, their family members might need to leave their jobs to care for them.

If an injury impacts a child, the family might need to consider alternative schooling options. Sometimes, survivors of devastating injuries need to make modifications to their homes to make them more accessible. In severe cases, an injured victim may need to move to an assisted living center or nursing home to get the necessary care.

The necessities of treating a severe injury can lead to financial challenges. A dedicated catastrophic injury attorney at our Atlanta office could help alleviate some of those difficulties by pursuing a damages award to compensate for a victim’s losses. A skilled attorney knows how to assess the actual value of your claim by estimating the cost of your future medical needs, lost income, and rehabilitative expenses.

Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries in Atlanta

If someone causes another person to suffer devastating harm, the victim could pursue a legal claim against the wrongdoer. Catastrophic injuries can result from any negligent, careless, reckless, or criminal action. Our experienced local attorneys often handle catastrophic injury claims involving the following common scenarios.


Most commonly, catastrophic injuries occur in accidents caused by negligence. For example, people often suffer severe harm in traffic accidents. Catastrophic injuries can also occur when surgeons or other medical workers make mistakes in operating rooms. Slip and falls, accidents involving defective products or dangerous drugs, and construction site incidents are other common scenarios that can lead to life-altering injuries.

Intentional Criminal Acts

Sadly, some catastrophic injuries result from intentional acts of violence. The diligent lawyers at our firm could help a survivor of an attack obtain compensation for their losses in a civil lawsuit, even if there is a criminal case against the same defendant.

Call a Compassionate Catastrophic Injury Attorney in Atlanta

After experiencing a devastating accident, reach out to an Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer to handle your claim. The attorneys at the Gunn Law Group have helped survivors in a wide variety of scenarios, and we know how to fight for the compensation you need and deserve. We are dedicated to pursuing justice on your behalf from the parties responsible for your injuries. Call our firm today to learn how we can help you.